Daily Quote Archives
December 09 Whatever you do is an activity of escape. That is the most essential thing to realize.
December 16 The more you are interested in something, the more your intention to understand, the more simple, clear, free the mind is.
December 17 You have only one head, care for it, don't destroy it. It's so easy to poison it.
December 18 We condemn others, and that very condemnation is a justification of ourselves.
December 19 When there is no naming, only then is it possible to be fully aware of that which is called the void of loneliness.
December 21 At all times, and especially now, there is need for transformation through vital experience;
December 23 Mere reformation of the pattern of society only alters the surface, it brings about a more respectable form of ambition.
December 24 Sir, what is your idea of a new world?
December 25 What can I do as a human being living in this chaotic misery, violence, and stupidity? What can I do?
December 26 Can one see that the whole movement of this illusory memory, which appears so real, can end?
December 27 Your business, your religion, your gods, your leaders, your political and economic actions, your escapes, your social activities, your joining one party and rejecting another - all that is emphasizing and giving strength to the 'me'.
December 28 Freedom is born of the perception that freedom is essential.
December 29 The observer is also the image, only he has separated himself and observes.
December 30 It seems to me, that is what we need - a different kind of energy, a passion which is not mere stimulation, which does not depend on, which is not put together by, thought.
December 31 Creativeness is not a process of becoming or achieving, but a state of being in which self-seeking effort is totally absent.