Daily Quote Archives

November 2023
  1. November 01 Can there be honesty - that is, clear insight, seeing things as they are - if there is a principle, an ideal, an ennobled formula?
  2. November 02 Thought is the very denial of love, and it cannot enter into that space where the me is not.
  3. November 03 To me, what I am saying is not brilliant: it is the obvious.
  4. November 04 Is anonymity degrading, and to be unknown despicable? Why do we pursue the famous, the popular?
  5. November 05 Criticism is only of value in so far as it trains your observation so that it can eventually be turned on yourself.
  6. November 06 From the known you cannot possibly see the unknown;
  7. November 07 We want to build castles in the air, find a refuge where we shall never be disturbed, where our petty minds will never be shaken.
  8. November 08 From the beginning we must be very clear that you are not being told what to do, or what to think.
  9. November 09 Is it possible not to think about pleasure or pain? Is it possible to think only when thought is demanded, but not otherwise?
  10. November 10 Pleasure goes with fear. I don't know if you have watched it. It's the other side of the coin.
  11. November 11 You see man imprisoned by innumerable walls, walls of religion, of social, political and national limitations, walls created by his own ambitions, aspirations, fears, hopes, security, prejudices, hate and love.
  12. November 12 The essence of control is suppression.
  13. November 13 Any action born of noise produces more noise, more confusion.
  14. November 14 It is the fear of being nothing that compels us to accumulate;
  15. November 15 Personally, to the speaker, there is no psychological evolution;
  16. November 16 You can never know what the unknown is because the moment you recognise it as the unknown you are back in the known.
  17. November 17 Only the mind that has emptied itself of the known is creative.
  18. November 18 The shallow are ever afraid of what they are; but what they are is the truth.
  19. November 19 It is only in knowing ourselves first - deeply, profoundly, not superficially - that we can know truth.
  20. November 20 Liberation of action does not mean that you cannot remember incidents, but those past incidents will no longer control action.
  21. November 21 Man has invented heaven out of hope, for his life has become a hell, an endless conflict from birth to death, coming and going, making money, working endlessly.
  22. November 22 What I have to say is fundamentally simple, and not very philosophical, metaphysical or complicated.
  23. November 23 Sensation and dissatisfaction are inseparable, for the desire for more binds them together.
  24. November 24 The present social struggle to bring about equality on the economic or some spiritual level has no meaning at all.
  25. November 25 Evolution implies time; but psychologically, inwardly, is there evolution?
  26. November 26 Can thought have a stop?
  27. November 27 There must be a total attention, in which there is no sentiment at all, no emotion.
  28. November 28 What is the relationship of attention to inattention, and to awareness?
  29. November 29 For the speaker attachment is much more important than detachment.
  30. November 30 Why do we want an attitude? What does attitude mean?