Nov 18

Is Individuality an Illusion?

Date and Time

November 18 - 22 2024 PST


Online event


Krishnamurti Center Ojai
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About This Event

“So if you want to find out what is right action, I say the individual illusion must come to an end. That’s the first thing, because you are the world.” J. Krishnamurti

We have a a solid sense of our own individuality. I am in here, you are over there: I must manage my life and my relationship with you, as well as I can. But is this sense of an individual existence, an illusion?

Together in dialogue we will be hesitantly and carefully tracing out, what creates our sense of self. We shall attempt to discover directly, the actual effects of this perception of ourselves, and how it shapes our view of others and our lives in general.

Is the whole human existence generated by the sense of being a separate individual?

Our inquiry cannot be an intellectual exploration, since any objective analysis or prior conclusions will only perpetuate the illusion of separation further.

Our challenge is to allow the actuality of “ourself” to reveal itself. And see what happens.

Daily online sessions:  10:00am-12:30pm PACIFIC TIME