Aug 09

On Fear: in-person weekend dialogue retreat

Date and Time

August 9 - 11 2024 PDT


1130 McAndrew Rd Ojai, California, 93023 United States View Map


Krishnamurti Center Ojai
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About This Event

“Is it possible for the mind to empty itself totally of fear? Fear of any kind breeds illusion; it makes the mind dull, shallow. Where there is fear there is obviously no freedom, and without freedom there is no love at all. And most of us have some form of fear; fear of darkness, fear of public opinion, fear of snakes, fear of physical pain, fear of old age, fear of death. We have literally dozens of fears. And is it possible to be completely free of fear?” – J. Krishnamurti

In this weekend dialogue retreat we will explore fear, what it is, and what is the psychological mechanism behind it. Krishnamurti goes very deeply into the subject of fear and anxiety, breaking it down to an understandable psycho-physical process. Together, we will carefully explore how fear works, and in doing so, we may ask ourselves, is it possible to be completely free of fear? This question may lead us to unburdening our minds and hearts of fears, from the most mundane phobias to the deep unconscious anxieties. In doing so, it may be possible to live with more freedom, with a mind and heart that is open and ready to meet life with all its wonders.

Please join us at the beautiful Krishnamurti Center in the Ojai Valley, for conversation, inner exploration, and meaningful discussion. The schedule will consist of watching or listening to Krishnamurti’s profound teachings, shared dialogue, as well as space for quiet reflection. Delicious vegetarian meals will be provided. Accommodations are limited so please reserve your room soon.

Facilitator Rowan Lommel is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Certified Yoga Therapist living in Ojai California. She grew up in the Krishnamurti schools, and has been working on and off for the Krishnamurti Foundation since she was a teenager.