Oct 13

weekend Meditation Retreat

Date and Time

October 13 - 15 2023 NZDT


Waitetuna Retreat Centre, 391 Cogswell Rd near Raglan, Waikato, 3295 New Zealand View Map


Clive elwell
More Information
+64 22 085 7184

About This Event

                                            An Exploration into Meditation

                                                       - A Weekend Retreat

The term “exploration” is important here, it is not our intention to spend the weekend following traditional meditational practices, but rather to enquire into the whole question “What is true meditation?”. What is its meaning, and its place in our everyday life? The words of J Krishnamurti will play a part in our sessions together, but not as an authority, rather as a starting point for our own enquiry. In fact JK repeatedly said:

 “In meditation don't follow anybody, including the speaker

So although the sessions will necessarily be facilitated, there will be absolutely no authority figure, but rather a mutual self - enquiry, with a mix of dialogue and actual doing. Periods of silence will play an important part in the sessions.
 “Meditation is to be aware of every thought and of every feeling, never to say it is right or wrong but just to watch it and move with it. In that watching you begin to understand the whole movement of thought and feeling. And out of this awareness comes silence”

-J Krishnamurti

The retreat simultaneously provides a time for questioning and a time for silence. It is an opportunity for us to slow down. One challenge is: can we approach the issue of meditation without predetermined ideas of what it is – and in this way be in a state of learning about what it is? In fact is the state of not-knowing part of meditation in itself?

As part of the whole meditative experience of the weekend, participants are requested to help a little with food preparation and cleaning up after meals. Waitetuna Retreat Center provides a beautiful, spacious, quiet venue with forest walks.

Help with travel arrangements may be available.

Practical Details:

Date: October 13th - 15th

Waitetuna Retreat Center, Cogswell road, near Raglan, New Zealand

: approximately NZ$310

for administrative details/bookings contact
: Mirani Wijeyesinghe, email <anila3@live.com> mob: NZ 210 229 2644
For content of retreat contact: Clive Elwell email <clive.elwell@gmail.com>

"Thought shattering itself against its own nothingness is the explosion of meditation"